digital farmer and financial services


Syecomp’s Announcements and Updates

SyeComp Hosts Field Personnel for 2021 Strategy Planning

Field Personnel, SyeComp

Field Personnel, SyeComp

On December 15 and 16, 2020, we hosted some of our Field Personnel (FP) who travelled from all parts of Ghana to SyeComp Head Office in Dzorwulu, Accra for interaction and planning for year 2021.

The opportunity was used to refresh and re-orient the FPs on Syecomp’s core mission of driving at scale digital services in agriculture for African farmers and agribusinesses. Data-driven products and services at Syecomp such as mfarmPay, Village Market app, SATCocoa, SyeComp Data Collector (SDC), and use of collaborative working tools.


Partner institutions also shared practical tips and working responsibilities explored with Syecomp to positively and sustainably impact rural smallholder farmers across Ghana.


About Syecomp

Syecomp is an Africa-based Remote Sensing and digital technology for agriculture company headquartered in Accra, Ghana with presence in Kenya serving smallholder African farmers and agribusinesses with bundled localised digital solutions: market information, digital finance and climate-smart technologies. Syecomp delivers bundled farmer services insights to enrich on-and-off farm profitability of African farmers and provides value-added bespoke digital services for agribusinesses.

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