Syecomp’s agClimate Seasonal Outlook (SSO) for 2023 is based on projections and may be subject to extreme weather data variability leading to inaccurate predictions. This prediction may not be accurate and requires continuous weather data monitoring. However, based on historical data and weather patterns, here's a seasonal weather forecast insights for Ghana in 2023.
Northern Ghana (one rainy season): May-September
Southern Ghana (two rainy seasons)
Major rainy season: April-July
Minor rainy season: September-November
January to March: During these months, Ghana typically experiences the dry season, with warm temperatures and low humidity. However, occasional harmattan winds from the Sahara desert can cause dusty conditions and lower visibility in some areas. The weather during these months is expected to be relatively stable, with occasional thunderstorms and rainfall towards the end of March.
April to June: In April, the onset of the rainy season begins, and this will continue until June. During this period, temperatures tend to be moderate, and there is high humidity with occasional rain showers and thunderstorms. The rainfall is expected to be near-normal or slightly above average in 2023, which should benefit farmers and the agricultural sector.
July to September: This period marks the peak of the rainy season, with heavy rainfall and thunderstorms expected throughout the country. Flooding is a significant risk during these months, particularly in low-lying areas, and precautions should be taken to ensure safety. Temperatures are expected to be slightly lower due to increased cloud cover and rainfall.
October to December: During these months, the rains begin to taper off, and the dry season gradually returns. Temperatures start to rise again, and the humidity drops. However, isolated thunderstorms and showers may still occur, particularly towards the end of the year. Overall, the weather during this period is expected to be relatively stable and dry, with occasional variations in temperature and humidity.
It's important to note that weather patterns can be unpredictable, and extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves can occur unexpectedly. It's always advisable to stay informed about weather conditions from service providers. Additionally, Ghana's geography and location near the Gulf of Guinea can result in microclimatic differences across the country. Therefore, it's essential to monitor weather forecasts specific to locations.
About Syecomp’s AgClimate app:
Syecomp’s localised weather forecast integrates satellite-derived data and in-situ weather station measurements to provide accurate and reliable information for local farming communities.