Celebrating International Day of Forests, 2021
Image owned by: info@syecomp.com | Kwahu Tafo-Miaso forest| Ghana
There is sufficient evidence showing that Ghana has suffered rapid deforestation over the years. The country’s landscape spots large tracts of degraded forests, a situation that has aggravated droughts and bushfires and promoted desertification, with the resultant loss of forest dependent livelihoods leading to the impoverishment of forest fringe communities.
The theme for this year's International Day of Forests globally is "Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being". There is no denying the fact that, we humans hinge on forests for our very existence; from the air we inhale to the lumber we use for both domestic and commercial purposes.
Forests do not only provide homes for animals and livelihoods for humans; but also offer crunch defense, prevent earth corrosion and lessen temperature variation. Unfortunately, despite all of these benefits and more, we are still permitting them to wane.
The country has been rated the third most deforested out of 65 nations in a study undertaken by the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO), with a yearly loss of 2.19 percent of its forests between 2005 and 2010. This trend is worrying and MUST not be allowed to continue. The consequences in years to come is dire.
Over the years, successive governments in Ghana have promoted tree plantation programmes across various levels; from schools, to homes, to farmers and ministries etc. One such initiative included the Rural Forestry Programme and the Modified Taungya System, all of which targeted the small-scale farmer.
Activities of small-scale farmers cannot be overlooked. They contribute a great deal to the economy of Ghana particularly the cocoa sector. It is conceivable that the small-scale tree farmer, given the necessary support could make a significant contribution to the national reforestation effort, however, such farmers do not receive the much needed support. It is in light of these that SyeComp has partnered with the Ghana Cooperative Council and other institutions ( both private and public) to offer periodic training to smallholder farmers on some of these farming practices and unlocking financing needs to help boost their activities for national benefits.
Let us all support and preserve our forests.
Email: team@syecomp.com