Smart Sourcing: Increasing Transparency in Commodity Supply Chains in Ghana
Food Commodity Transportation in Ghana. Image by: SyeComp
Increasing Transparency of Commodity Sourcing on the Ground
GPS mapping offers great potential as a way to gather data accurately and rapidly, particularly in remote rural environments. It provides interested clients with more detailed information than ever before about the farmers from whom they source from, including the location, size and footprint of their farms, the type and age of trees grown, the cultivation methods used, choices made about fertilizers, replanting activities, the use or not of shade trees, along with a wealth of information about farming families and communities.
This data not only increases transparency to show the outcomes being met, it provides invaluable insight on the specific challenges that farms face which can be used to offer customised support to improve productivity through targeted commodity farm development plans, training and support initiatives.
Need GPS Mapping Services?
SyeComp for close to a decade provides farm GPS mapping services for cocoa sustainability clients, Commodity Buying Companies, and non-profits. We have in-depth field experience and the largest cohort of field personnel in Africa.
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